Quebec has taken their own approach to organ and tissue donation. Unlike the other provinces and territories, Quebec did not implement either of the Uniform Law Conference of Canada's (ULCC)'s versions of the Human Tissue Gift Act. Instead, Quebec governs organ, tissue, and blood donation through the Civil Code of Quebec and The Act Respecting Héma-Québec and the Biovigilance Committee. Section 25 of the Civil Code in particular states that "The alienation by a person of a part or product of his body shall be gratuitous; it may not be repeated if it involves a risk to his health." The word gratuitous means without compensation, therefore prohibiting the sale of organs and tissues in Quebec. While financial compensation is prohibited, donors may seek reimbursement for travel expenses, lost wages, or medical costs related to the donation process.
Additionally, while Canadian Blood Services oversees the national supply of blood products across provinces and territories, Quebec operates independently through its non-profit organization Héma-Québec. The Act Respecting Héma-Québec and the Biovigilance Committee outlines Héma-Québec's responsibilities of ensuring the safety and adequacy of the blood supply. Like Canadian Blood Services, Héma-Québec collects blood and plasma donations, manages donor records, and processes and distributes blood components and products to health and social service institutions.
Section 55 of The Act Respecting Héma-Québec and the Biovigilance Committee states "Except after obtaining the authorization of the Minister of Health and Social Services, no health and social services institution may use any blood, blood products or blood components, including fractionated products, except those supplied by Héma-Québec." However, the Minister may, in respect of the products determined by the Minister, grant such an exclusivity to another supplier." This provision effectively centralizes the distribution of blood through Héma-Québec, further solidifying the principle that blood and blood constituents are not to be commercialized in Quebec.